Prior problem behavior and suspensions: A replication

This post accompanies the article (this was originally submitted as an Issue Brief which is why the Discussion section and Introduction are so short):

Huang, F. (2020). Prior problem behaviors do not account for the racial suspension gap. Educational Researcher. Advance online publication.

Load required packages and dataset

NOTE: the dataset and manual are available at the following links (the syntax below uses the SPSS data file).

The commented part loads the dataset and selects the variables of interest.


# setwd("C:/Users/huangf/Google Drive/Projects/wright_reanalysis")
# dat <- rio::import('d:/data/eclsk/eclsk_98_99_k8_child_v1_0.sav') 
# takes a while since the file is big
# names(dat) <- tolower(names(dat))
# sm <- filter(dat, s7pupri == 1, race %in% c(1,2)) %>% #black or white students only
#   select(race, gender, p7fights, p7cheats, p7steals,
#          p7suspnd, p7numsus, p7schgrd, w8pared, w8povrty,
#          p7good, p7drugs, p7violnc, p7learng, s7blkpct, s7enrls,
#          s7flch_i, s7rlch_i, s7_id,
#          t1contro, t1interp, t1extern, t1learn,
#          t4contro, t4interp, t4extern, t4learn,
#          t5contro, t5interp, t5extern, t5learn,
#          t6contro, t6interp, t6extern, t6learn,
#          p1contro, p1social, p1impuls, p1learn,
#          p4contro, p4social, p4impuls, p4learn,
#          u6riep, s7rlch_i, j71race5, j72race5, c1_7fc0,
#          j71t_id, j72t_id, j71class, j72class) #c1_7sc0 c1_7fc0 weight F7RIEP
# summarytools::dfSummary(sm) %>% view()
# sm[sm < 0] <- NA #NAs to values < 0
# save(sm, file = 'eclsk2_orig.rdata')

# rm(list = ls()) #clean workspace
load("C:/Users/huangf/Google Drive/Projects/wright_reanalysis/eclsk2_orig.rdata")

Create the scales and indices used for analyses:

sm <- select(sm, -p7numsus) #remove number times suspended, not needed
sm <- mutate(sm,
  race = factor(race, labels = c('w', 'b')),
  male = case_when(
   gender == 1 ~ 1,
   gender == 2 ~ 0
  poverty = case_when(
  w8povrty == 1 ~ 1, #below poverty
  w8povrty == 2 ~ 0
  delin = (p7fights + p7cheats + p7steals) / 3,
  badschool = (p7good + (6 - p7drugs) + (6 - p7violnc) + p7learng) / 4,
  sus = case_when(
  p7suspnd == 1 ~ 1,
  p7suspnd == 2 ~ 0),
  pared = 10 - w8pared, #reverse coding
  iep = case_when(
   u6riep == 1 ~ 1,
   TRUE ~ 0),
  tm = case_when( #teacher race missing / just in case & ~ 1,
   TRUE ~ 0),
  pp.parent = ((5 - p1contro) + (5 - p1social) + p1impuls + ## Parent-reported PPB
   (5 - p4contro) + (5 - p4social) + p4impuls)   / 2, ## divided by 2 years
  prob = ((5 - t5contro) + (5 - t5interp) + t5extern + (5 - t5learn) + ##PPB
   (5 - t4contro) + (5 - t4interp) + t4extern + (5 - t4learn) +
   (5 - t1contro) + (5 - t1interp) + t1extern + (5 - t1learn)) / 3, # divided by 3 years
  probred = ((5 - t5contro) + (5 - t5interp) + t5extern +  ##PPB w/out ATL
   (5 - t4contro) + (5 - t4interp) + t4extern + 
   (5 - t1contro) + (5 - t1interp) + t1extern)  / 3,
  prob2 = (5 - t6contro) + (5 - t6interp) + t6extern , ## PPB in spring 5th grade
  extern = (t1extern + t4extern + t5extern) / 3 ## Externalizing as PPB

sm2 <- select(sm, -p7suspnd, -gender, -p7fights, -p7cheats, -p7steals, -w8pared,
   -w8povrty, -p7good, -p7drugs, -p7violnc, -p7learng, -u6riep, -s7rlch_i,
   -j72race5, -j71race5, -starts_with("p1"), -starts_with("p4"),
   -starts_with("t1"), -starts_with('t5'), -starts_with('t6'),
   -j71class, -j72class, -j71t_id, -j72t_id #if not using orig
   ) #teacher ids

sm2$c1_7fc0[$c1_7fc0)] <- 0 #missing weight, make it zero / not using it

Conduct some prior investigation prior to analyses:

### FOR MODEL 1:::

sm3 <- select(sm2, -starts_with("prob"), -pp.parent, -extern, prob, probred)
#mice::md.pattern(sm3, rotate.names = T, plot = F)
#sm3 <- na.omit(sm3)

## How many students per school and how many schools?
nschool <- sm3 %>%
  group_by(s7_id) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>% arrange(desc(n))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
lattice::histogram(nschool$n) #1591 schools originally

### investigating weights

sum(sm3$c1_7fc0 == 0) #901
## [1] 901
nrow(sm3) #5481
## [1] 5481
5481 - 901 #number with nonzero weights
## [1] 4580
tmp <- filter(sm3, c1_7fc0 != 0)
# mice::md.pattern(tmp, rotate.names = T) #missing data patterns

Were weights used? Based on this, weights were not used in Wright et al. Numbers will not add up, additional checks conducted (not shown).

sm3 <- filter(sm3, !, !,
    !, !, !,
    !, !,

vars = c('sus', 'race', 'male', 'iep', 'p7schgrd', 'pared', 'poverty',
         's7blkpct', 's7enrls', 'badschool', 'delin', 's7flch_i')

## NOTE: there are 29 students (< 1% of sample) that had 
## schools that did not give grades
## TABLE 1 creation

t1 <- CreateTableOne(data = sm3, vars = vars, 
    factorVars = c('sus', 'poverty', 'male', 'iep'))
res <- print(t1, contDigits = 3, showAllLevels = T, minMax = T)
##                         level Overall        
##   n                             4360         
##   sus (%)               0       3729 (85.5)  
##                         1        631 (14.5)  
##   race (%)              w       3789 (86.9)  
##                         b        571 (13.1)  
##   male (%)              0       2143 (49.2)  
##                         1       2217 (50.8)  
##   iep (%)               0       3884 (89.1)  
##                         1        476 (10.9)  
##   p7schgrd (mean (SD))         1.695 (0.862) 
##   pared (mean (SD))            4.678 (1.800) 
##   poverty (%)           0       3832 (87.9)  
##                         1        528 (12.1)  
##   s7blkpct (mean (SD))         2.936 (1.250) 
##   s7enrls (mean (SD))          3.945 (1.065) 
##   badschool (mean (SD))        1.794 (0.581) 
##   delin (mean (SD))            1.077 (0.217) 
##   s7flch_i (mean (SD))        28.580 (21.136)
#write.csv(res, file = 'output/t1_2.csv')
table(sm3$s7_id) %>% length() #1270 schools
## [1] 1270
#4360/1270 = 3.43 students per school

# not weighted // used for cluster robust SEs
des <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, data = sm3, weights = ~1)
# testing out multiway clustering using teachers, not shown
#des.t <- svydesign(ids = ~j71t_id + j72t_id, data = sm3, weights = ~1)

### // Table below is testing to see if weights were used
### NOT used for actual analysis

des.w <- svydesign(data = sm3, ids = ~s7_id, weights = ~c1_7fc0)
t2 <- svyCreateTableOne(data = des.w, vars = vars, 
  factorVars = c('sus', 'poverty', 'male', 'iep'))
##                         Overall           
##   n                      1923843.5        
##   sus = 1 (%)             358314.6 (18.6) 
##   race = b (%)            383126.3 (19.9) 
##   male = 1 (%)            995846.0 (51.8) 
##   iep = 1 (%)             222004.6 (11.5) 
##   p7schgrd (mean (SD))        1.76 (0.91) 
##   pared (mean (SD))           4.76 (1.81) 
##   poverty = 1 (%)         274879.5 (14.3) 
##   s7blkpct (mean (SD))        3.16 (1.30) 
##   s7enrls (mean (SD))         4.09 (0.99) 
##   badschool (mean (SD))       1.83 (0.60) 
##   delin (mean (SD))           1.10 (0.25) 
##   s7flch_i (mean (SD))       29.93 (22.78)

Does not match Wright’s paper in terms of race breakdown (19.9% vs. 14.5% Black). Does not look like weights were used and no mention in original paper.


Percent of Black vs. White suspended without covariates: 32.9 vs 11.7– 21.2 percentage point difference.

  ctable(sm3$race, sm3$sus)
## Cross-Tabulation, Row Proportions  
## race * sus  
## Data Frame: sm3  
## ------- ----- -------------- ------------- ---------------
##           sus              0             1           Total
##    race                                                   
##       w         3346 (88.3%)   443 (11.7%)   3789 (100.0%)
##       b          383 (67.1%)   188 (32.9%)    571 (100.0%)
##   Total         3729 (85.5%)   631 (14.5%)   4360 (100.0%)
## ------- ----- -------------- ------------- ---------------
  test1 <- lm(sus ~ race, data = sm3) 
  summary(test1) #testing LPM
## Call:
## lm(formula = sus ~ race, data = sm3)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -0.3292 -0.1169 -0.1169 -0.1169  0.8831 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 0.116917   0.005597   20.89   <2e-16 ***
## raceb       0.212330   0.015467   13.73   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.3445 on 4358 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.04145,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.04123 
## F-statistic: 188.5 on 1 and 4358 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  nobs(test1) #4360
## [1] 4360
  #(4360 - 4101) / 4360 #6% more

Model results: Replication

m0 <- svyglm(sus ~ race, family = 'binomial', design = des)
## [1] 4360
summ(m0, exp = T, digits = 2, confint = T)
Observations 4360
Dependent variable sus
Type Survey-weighted generalized linear model
Family binomial
Link logit
Pseudo-R² (Cragg-Uhler) 0.02
Pseudo-R² (McFadden) 0.04
AIC 3461.29
exp(Est.) 2.5% 97.5% t val. p
(Intercept) 0.13 0.12 0.15 -33.73 0.00
raceb 3.71 2.99 4.59 12.03 0.00
Standard errors: Robust
#base odds ratio:: not reported in tables, only in text

m1 <- svyglm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty +
               s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin,
             family = 'binomial', design = des)
m2 <- update(m1, . ~ . + prob)

### only use those without missing data
nomiss <- na.omit(sm3) #for models 3 and 4 <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, data = nomiss, weights = ~1)
m3 <- update(m1, . ~ ., design =
m4 <- update(m3, . ~ . - prob + probred)

## [1] 5.291927
## [1] 1.355125
## TABLE 2

export_summs(m1, m2, m3, m4, exp = T, confint = T,
  error_format = "({conf.low}, {conf.high})")
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
(Intercept) 0.00 *** 0.00 *** 0.00 *** 0.00 ***
(0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)   
raceb 1.92 *** 1.18     1.40     1.16    
(1.38, 2.69)    (0.74, 1.85)    (0.90, 2.17)    (0.73, 1.83)   
male 2.72 *** 2.08 *** 2.52 *** 2.10 ***
(2.21, 3.35)    (1.59, 2.73)    (1.94, 3.28)    (1.61, 2.75)   
p7schgrd 1.53 *** 1.42 *** 1.56 *** 1.46 ***
(1.38, 1.70)    (1.23, 1.64)    (1.36, 1.79)    (1.27, 1.68)   
iep 1.07     0.90     1.17     0.93    
(0.81, 1.41)    (0.64, 1.28)    (0.83, 1.65)    (0.66, 1.32)   
pared 1.07 *   1.10 *   1.13 **  1.10 *  
(1.00, 1.14)    (1.01, 1.19)    (1.04, 1.22)    (1.01, 1.19)   
poverty 0.98     0.85     0.92     0.86    
(0.73, 1.31)    (0.57, 1.26)    (0.61, 1.37)    (0.58, 1.28)   
s7enrls 1.08     1.16 *   1.13     1.16 *  
(0.97, 1.21)    (1.00, 1.35)    (0.98, 1.31)    (1.01, 1.35)   
s7flch_i 1.01 *   1.00     1.00     1.00    
(1.00, 1.01)    (0.99, 1.01)    (1.00, 1.01)    (0.99, 1.01)   
badschool 1.56 *** 1.73 *** 1.68 *** 1.73 ***
(1.32, 1.83)    (1.41, 2.12)    (1.37, 2.07)    (1.42, 2.13)   
s7blkpct 1.17 **  1.27 *** 1.25 **  1.27 ***
(1.05, 1.30)    (1.11, 1.45)    (1.09, 1.42)    (1.11, 1.45)   
delin 7.28 *** 7.26 *** 10.16 *** 7.13 ***
(4.77, 11.11)    (3.97, 13.29)    (5.63, 18.32)    (3.90, 13.03)   
prob         1.31 ***                
        (1.21, 1.41)                   
probred                         1.44 ***
                        (1.31, 1.58)   
N 4360        2892        2892        2892       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

The following table notes the differences in the original and the current reanalyses for the odds ratios (ORs) for Black students:

Model Original Replication
No covariates 3.78 3.71
w/added covariates 1.89 1.92
w/added problem behavior 1.20 1.18

In the appendix (using linear probability models)

## Using a linear probability model, for appendix
m1.lpm <- update(m1, family = 'gaussian')
m2.lpm <- update(m2, family = 'gaussian')
m3.lpm <- update(m3, family = 'gaussian')
m4.lpm <- update(m4, family = 'gaussian')
export_summs(m1.lpm, m2.lpm, m3.lpm, m4.lpm,
             model.names = c('LPM1', 'LPM2', 'LPM3' ,'LPM4'))
(Intercept) -0.60 *** -0.78 *** -0.67 *** -0.79 ***
(0.04)    (0.05)    (0.05)    (0.05)   
raceb 0.10 *** 0.04     0.05     0.04    
(0.02)    (0.03)    (0.03)    (0.03)   
male 0.09 *** 0.06 *** 0.08 *** 0.06 ***
(0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)   
p7schgrd 0.05 *** 0.04 *** 0.05 *** 0.04 ***
(0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)   
iep 0.01     -0.01     0.02     -0.01    
(0.02)    (0.02)    (0.02)    (0.02)   
pared 0.00     0.01     0.01 **  0.01 *  
(0.00)    (0.00)    (0.00)    (0.00)   
poverty -0.00     -0.02     -0.01     -0.01    
(0.02)    (0.02)    (0.02)    (0.02)   
s7enrls 0.01     0.01     0.01     0.01    
(0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)   
s7flch_i 0.00 *   0.00     0.00     0.00    
(0.00)    (0.00)    (0.00)    (0.00)   
badschool 0.05 *** 0.05 *** 0.05 *** 0.05 ***
(0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)   
s7blkpct 0.02 *   0.02 **  0.02 **  0.02 ** 
(0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)   
delin 0.35 *** 0.36 *** 0.39 *** 0.35 ***
(0.03)    (0.04)    (0.04)    (0.04)   
prob         0.03 ***                
probred                         0.04 ***
N 4360        2892        2892        2892       
R2 0.18     0.19     0.18     0.20    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

NOTE: the result of this is that without PPB, the difference of Black vs. White students is 5 percentage points. Once PPB is included, the coefficient reduces to 4 percentage points. If model 1 and 3 are compared, the difference reduces from 10 percentage points to 5 percentage points- just by excluding students from the analyses; not as a result of including other variables. Although I refer to the results as statistically significant or not in the manuscript, I do not place a large emphasis on this considering the difference of 5 to 4 percentage points.

Testing just using base R

base.1 <- glm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty +
               s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin,
             family = 'binomial', data = sm3)
base.2 <- update(base.1, . ~ . + prob)
base.3 <- update(base.1, data = nomiss)
base.4 <- update(base.3, . ~ . - prob + probred)

### can use the above for logistic reg models too (w/out CRSE)

lpm.1 <- update(base.1, family = 'gaussian')
lpm.2 <- update(base.2, family = 'gaussian')
lpm.3 <- update(base.3, family = 'gaussian')
lpm.4 <- update(base.4, family = 'gaussian')

crobust <- function(x, cluster){
  vc <- vcovCL(x, cluster)
  print(coeftest(x, vc, type = 'HC3'))

### Appendix results:::

crobust(lpm.1, sm3$s7_id)
## z test of coefficients:
##                Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.60029463  0.04348118 -13.8058 < 2.2e-16 ***
## raceb        0.10495737  0.02472167   4.2456 2.180e-05 ***
## male         0.09325706  0.00983488   9.4823 < 2.2e-16 ***
## p7schgrd     0.05412020  0.00724559   7.4694 8.056e-14 ***
## iep          0.00904895  0.01751388   0.5167   0.60538    
## pared        0.00487380  0.00309680   1.5738   0.11553    
## poverty     -0.00064021  0.01941967  -0.0330   0.97370    
## s7enrls      0.00824881  0.00564689   1.4608   0.14408    
## s7flch_i     0.00092579  0.00040120   2.3075   0.02103 *  
## badschool    0.05011285  0.01015244   4.9360 7.972e-07 ***
## s7blkpct     0.01539202  0.00605994   2.5400   0.01109 *  
## delin        0.34750308  0.03220616  10.7900 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [1] 4360
crobust(lpm.2, sm3$s7_id)
## z test of coefficients:
##                Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.77680759  0.05464652 -14.2151 < 2.2e-16 ***
## raceb        0.04051014  0.02900649   1.3966  0.162537    
## male         0.05725491  0.01110664   5.1550 2.536e-07 ***
## p7schgrd     0.03875112  0.00878865   4.4092 1.037e-05 ***
## iep         -0.00867224  0.02042098  -0.4247  0.671075    
## pared        0.00673572  0.00345587   1.9491  0.051288 .  
## poverty     -0.01565528  0.02419323  -0.6471  0.517572    
## s7enrls      0.01128357  0.00622456   1.8127  0.069871 .  
## s7flch_i     0.00025979  0.00040928   0.6348  0.525588    
## badschool    0.05238607  0.01205695   4.3449 1.393e-05 ***
## s7blkpct     0.02152153  0.00663358   3.2443  0.001177 ** 
## delin        0.35750107  0.04310882   8.2930 < 2.2e-16 ***
## prob         0.02591989  0.00428678   6.0465 1.480e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [1] 2892
crobust(lpm.3, nomiss$s7_id)
## z test of coefficients:
##                Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.67076437  0.05179495 -12.9504 < 2.2e-16 ***
## raceb        0.05454780  0.02924385   1.8653  0.062143 .  
## male         0.07688549  0.01104251   6.9627 3.339e-12 ***
## p7schgrd     0.05057229  0.00880463   5.7438 9.256e-09 ***
## iep          0.01589712  0.02091340   0.7601  0.447171    
## pared        0.00932337  0.00346048   2.6942  0.007055 ** 
## poverty     -0.00616123  0.02471882  -0.2493  0.803165    
## s7enrls      0.00998599  0.00630012   1.5850  0.112955    
## s7flch_i     0.00028935  0.00041578   0.6959  0.486480    
## badschool    0.05249989  0.01228170   4.2746 1.914e-05 ***
## s7blkpct     0.02093809  0.00670406   3.1232  0.001789 ** 
## delin        0.39425958  0.04261961   9.2507 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [1] 2892
crobust(lpm.4, nomiss$s7_id)
## z test of coefficients:
##                Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.78514134  0.05452074 -14.4008 < 2.2e-16 ***
## raceb        0.03890813  0.02888829   1.3468  0.178029    
## male         0.05749608  0.01099448   5.2295 1.699e-07 ***
## p7schgrd     0.04108124  0.00872305   4.7095 2.483e-06 ***
## iep         -0.00552547  0.02020899  -0.2734  0.784533    
## pared        0.00679853  0.00345221   1.9693  0.048915 *  
## poverty     -0.01452303  0.02408642  -0.6030  0.546539    
## s7enrls      0.01157692  0.00621205   1.8636  0.062375 .  
## s7flch_i     0.00026374  0.00040560   0.6502  0.515538    
## badschool    0.05244704  0.01200611   4.3684 1.252e-05 ***
## s7blkpct     0.02129766  0.00661100   3.2215  0.001275 ** 
## delin        0.35273985  0.04302005   8.1994 2.415e-16 ***
## probred      0.03670807  0.00553206   6.6355 3.234e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [1] 2892

Back to the manuscript…

Difference of stayers vs. leavers

m.dat <- sm2
m.dat$mss <- rowSums(, race:iep)))
m.dat$mss2 <- rowSums(, prob)))

m.dat2 <- dplyr::filter(m.dat, mss == 0) %>%
  select(race:iep, prob, mss2) #no missing vars, exc prob

vars <- names(select(m.dat2, race:iep, -c1_7fc0, -s7_id))
stay <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, weights = ~1, data = m.dat2)
c1 <- svyCreateTableOne(data = stay, vars = vars)
c2 <- svyCreateTableOne(data = stay, vars = vars, 
                        strata = 'mss2')
comp1 <- print(c1, contDigits = 3, showAllLevels = T)
##                         level Overall          
##   n                             4360.0         
##   race (%)              w       3789.0 (86.9)  
##                         b        571.0 (13.1)  
##   p7schgrd (mean (SD))           1.695 (0.862) 
##   s7blkpct (mean (SD))           2.936 (1.250) 
##   s7enrls (mean (SD))            3.945 (1.065) 
##   s7flch_i (mean (SD))          28.580 (21.136)
##   male (mean (SD))               0.508 (0.500) 
##   poverty (mean (SD))            0.121 (0.326) 
##   delin (mean (SD))              1.077 (0.217) 
##   badschool (mean (SD))          1.794 (0.581) 
##   sus (mean (SD))                0.145 (0.352) 
##   pared (mean (SD))              4.678 (1.800) 
##   iep (mean (SD))                0.109 (0.312)
## TABLE 3
comp2 <- print(c2, contDigits = 3, showAllLevels = T, smd =T)
##                        Stratified by mss2
##                         level 0                 1                 p      test
##   n                             2892.0            1468.0                     
##   race (%)              w       2581.0 (89.2)     1208.0 (82.3)   <0.001     
##                         b        311.0 (10.8)      260.0 (17.7)              
##   p7schgrd (mean (SD))           1.658 (0.844)     1.768 (0.893)   0.001     
##   s7blkpct (mean (SD))           2.841 (1.228)     3.125 (1.272)  <0.001     
##   s7enrls (mean (SD))            3.928 (1.070)     3.979 (1.053)   0.470     
##   s7flch_i (mean (SD))          27.784 (20.495)   30.149 (22.269)  0.057     
##   male (mean (SD))               0.497 (0.500)     0.532 (0.499)   0.023     
##   poverty (mean (SD))            0.101 (0.301)     0.161 (0.367)  <0.001     
##   delin (mean (SD))              1.072 (0.205)     1.087 (0.238)   0.035     
##   badschool (mean (SD))          1.796 (0.573)     1.790 (0.595)   0.790     
##   sus (mean (SD))                0.125 (0.331)     0.183 (0.387)  <0.001     
##   pared (mean (SD))              4.653 (1.772)     4.728 (1.853)   0.318     
##   iep (mean (SD))                0.103 (0.304)     0.122 (0.327)   0.068     
##                        Stratified by mss2
##                         SMD   
##   n                           
##   race (%)               0.200
##   p7schgrd (mean (SD))   0.126
##   s7blkpct (mean (SD))   0.227
##   s7enrls (mean (SD))    0.048
##   s7flch_i (mean (SD))   0.110
##   male (mean (SD))       0.071
##   poverty (mean (SD))    0.178
##   delin (mean (SD))      0.070
##   badschool (mean (SD))  0.010
##   sus (mean (SD))        0.161
##   pared (mean (SD))      0.042
##   iep (mean (SD))        0.061

See paper for discussion of differences of stayers and leavers.

Testing alternative models

NOTE: Models 5 & 6 (using multiple imputation) are at the end of the syntax.

MODELS 7 & 8: Using grade 5 PPB

tmp <- select(sm2, -pp.parent, -prob, -probred, -extern)
g5 <- na.omit(tmp)#3946

des3 <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, data = g5, weights = ~1)
m8 <- update(m2, . ~ . + prob2 - prob, design = des3) #with parent reported
m7 <- update(m8, . ~ . - prob2) #baseline
# summ(m7, exp = T, confint = T, digits = 4) #model 7
# summ(m8, exp = T, confint = T, digits = 4) #model 8

export_summs(m7, m8, confint = T, exp = T, digits = 2,
             error_format = "({conf.low}, {conf.high})",
             model.names = c('Model 7', 'Model 8'))
Model 7 Model 8
(Intercept) 0.00 *** 0.00 ***
(0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)   
raceb 1.86 *** 1.67 ** 
(1.30, 2.67)    (1.16, 2.42)   
male 2.75 *** 2.18 ***
(2.21, 3.42)    (1.74, 2.72)   
p7schgrd 1.55 *** 1.41 ***
(1.38, 1.73)    (1.26, 1.58)   
iep 1.09     0.95    
(0.82, 1.44)    (0.71, 1.26)   
pared 1.10 **  1.08 *  
(1.03, 1.18)    (1.00, 1.15)   
poverty 0.86     0.85    
(0.63, 1.17)    (0.62, 1.16)   
s7enrls 1.10     1.12    
(0.98, 1.24)    (0.99, 1.26)   
s7flch_i 1.01     1.01    
(1.00, 1.01)    (1.00, 1.01)   
badschool 1.53 *** 1.52 ***
(1.29, 1.81)    (1.28, 1.80)   
s7blkpct 1.20 **  1.21 ** 
(1.07, 1.34)    (1.07, 1.36)   
delin 6.76 *** 4.24 ***
(4.33, 10.55)    (2.74, 6.58)   
prob2         1.44 ***
        (1.35, 1.54)   
N 3946        3946       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.
## [1] 5.306467
## [1] 1.625656

MODELS 9 & 10: Using parent-reported PPB

tmp2 <- select(sm2, -prob, -prob2, -probred, -extern)
parent.3 <- na.omit(tmp2)
p.des <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, data = parent.3, weights = ~1)
m9 <- svyglm(sus ~ race + male + iep + p7schgrd + pared + 
  poverty + s7enrls + s7flch_i + badschool + 
  s7blkpct + s7enrls + delin, family = 'binomial', 
  design = p.des)
m10 <- update(m9, . ~ . + pp.parent)
# summ(m9, exp = T, confint = T) #model 9
# summ(m10, exp = T, confint = T) #model 10

## [1] 5.529882
## [1] 1.012398

MODELS 11 & 12: Using externalizing behavior as PPB

ext <- select(sm2, s7_id, sus, race, male , p7schgrd,
      iep, pared, poverty, s7enrls, s7flch_i, badschool, 
      s7blkpct, delin, extern)
ext2 <- na.omit(ext) #n = 3128
des.ext <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, data = ext2, weights = ~1)

m12 <- update(m2, . ~ . + extern - prob, design = des.ext) 
m11 <- update(m12, . ~ . - extern) #baseline

m11 <- svyglm(sus ~ race + male + iep + p7schgrd + pared + poverty +
 s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + s7enrls + delin,
 family = 'binomial', design = des.ext)
m12 <- update(m11, . ~ . + extern)

# summ(m11, exp = T, confint = T, digits = 4) #model 11
# summ(m12, exp = T, confint = T, digits = 4) #model 12

## [1] 1.615575
## [1] 0.5010824
export_summs(m9, m10, m11, m12, confint = T, exp = T,
             error_format = "({conf.low}, {conf.high})",
             model.names = c('Model 9', 'Model 10', 'Model 11',
                             'Model 12'))
Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 Model 12
(Intercept) 0.00 *** 0.00 *** 0.00 *** 0.00 ***
(0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)    (0.00, 0.00)   
raceb 1.91 *** 1.90 **  1.52     1.28    
(1.31, 2.80)    (1.29, 2.78)    (0.98, 2.35)    (0.81, 2.01)   
male 2.79 *** 2.69 *** 2.64 *** 2.18 ***
(2.20, 3.53)    (2.12, 3.40)    (2.05, 3.40)    (1.68, 2.82)   
iep 1.11     1.03     1.21     0.98    
(0.82, 1.51)    (0.76, 1.41)    (0.88, 1.67)    (0.70, 1.37)   
p7schgrd 1.55 *** 1.52 *** 1.53 *** 1.45 ***
(1.38, 1.73)    (1.36, 1.71)    (1.34, 1.74)    (1.27, 1.65)   
pared 1.05     1.04     1.10 *   1.08    
(0.98, 1.13)    (0.97, 1.11)    (1.02, 1.19)    (0.99, 1.17)   
poverty 0.93     0.91     0.88     0.85    
(0.66, 1.30)    (0.65, 1.27)    (0.60, 1.30)    (0.58, 1.25)   
s7enrls 1.10     1.11     1.14     1.17 *  
(0.97, 1.26)    (0.97, 1.26)    (0.99, 1.31)    (1.01, 1.35)   
s7flch_i 1.01 *   1.01 *   1.01     1.00    
(1.00, 1.02)    (1.00, 1.01)    (1.00, 1.01)    (1.00, 1.01)   
badschool 1.50 *** 1.49 *** 1.63 *** 1.71 ***
(1.24, 1.81)    (1.23, 1.80)    (1.34, 1.97)    (1.41, 2.07)   
s7blkpct 1.21 **  1.21 **  1.20 **  1.22 ** 
(1.07, 1.36)    (1.07, 1.36)    (1.06, 1.37)    (1.07, 1.39)   
delin 8.45 *** 6.94 *** 10.66 *** 7.54 ***
(5.41, 13.20)    (4.44, 10.86)    (6.22, 18.28)    (4.33, 13.12)   
pp.parent         1.22 ***                
        (1.10, 1.35)                   
extern                         2.75 ***
                        (2.21, 3.43)   
N 3773        3773        3128        3128       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

Using multiple imputation


### Removing scales so they can be created after imputation:: MODELS 5 & 6

mitest <- filter(sm, ! #removing missing outcome
mitest <- select(mitest, -gender, -p7suspnd, -prob, -probred, -prob2, -w8povrty, 
  -delin, -u6riep, -pp.parent, -badschool, -w8pared,
  -starts_with('t6'), -extern)

# md.pattern(mitest, rotate.names = T, plot = F)
# change into factors so will be imputed properly

mitest$male <- factor(mitest$male)
mitest$sus <- factor(mitest$sus)
mitest$poverty <- factor(mitest$poverty)
mitest$iep <- factor(mitest$iep)

### n = 4918

Using JOMO (joing modeling) to perform the imputations:

### using parent reports and T6 as auxilliary variables
## *** This is beta software. Please report any bugs!
## *** See the NEWS file for recent changes.
## * miceadds 3.9-14 (2020-05-09 11:27:27)
mitest$id <- factor(mitest$s7_id) #no character variables

l1 <- list(
    sus + race + male + p7schgrd + iep + poverty + 
    t1contro + t4contro + t5contro + 
    t1extern + t4extern + t5extern +
    t1interp + t4interp + t5interp + 
    t1learn + t4learn + t5learn +
    p7fights + p7cheats + p7steals +
    p7good + p7drugs + p7violnc + p7learng ~ 1 + (1|id),
    s7enrls + s7flch_i + s7blkpct ~ 1)

# Line below runs the imputation: takes a while...
# imp <- jomoImpute(mitest, formula = l1, n.burn = 100, n.iter = 100, m = 2, seed = 123)
# save(imp, file = 'imp.rdata')

load(file = 'C:/Users/huangf/Google Drive/Projects/wright_reanalysis/imp.rdata')
# loads imputed datasets
# summary(imp)

imp2 <- mitmlComplete(imp, 'all')
imp2a <- within(imp2,{
    delin = (p7fights + p7cheats + p7steals) / 3
    badschool = (p7good + (6 - p7drugs) + (6 - p7violnc) + p7learng) / 4
    prob = ((5 - t5contro) + (5 - t5interp) + t5extern + (5 - t5learn) +
              (5 - t4contro) + (5 - t4interp) + t4extern + (5 - t4learn) +
              (5 - t1contro) + (5 - t1interp) + t1extern + (5 - t1learn)) / 3

After the imputation, create the scales. Then place them in a list to be able to perform the analysis:


These are models 5 and 6.

imp3a <- imputationList(imp2a)
des.imp <- svydesign(ids = ~s7_id, weights = ~1, data = imp3a)
m1.imp <- with(des.imp, svyglm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty +
          s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin,
          family = 'binomial'))
m2.imp <- with(des.imp, svyglm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty + 
          s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin + prob,
          family = 'binomial'))

Results using multiple imputation (in logits, exponentiate to get odds ratios). Results show without PPB, OR = 1.82. With PPB, OR = 1.57.

MIcombine(m1.imp) %>% summary() 
## Multiple imputation results:
##       with(des.imp, svyglm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + 
##     poverty + s7enrls + s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin, 
##     family = "binomial"))
##       MIcombine.default(m1.imp)
##                  results          se       (lower       upper) missInfo
## (Intercept) -7.472758993 0.409959551 -8.276302007 -6.669215979      4 %
## raceb        0.599478267 0.160135132  0.285614850  0.913341684      2 %
## male1        1.012626528 0.098627085  0.819320991  1.205932066      0 %
## p7schgrd     0.424098043 0.049492123  0.327094878  0.521101208      1 %
## iep1         0.116673098 0.127728919 -0.133671013  0.367017209      0 %
## pared        0.094740826 0.029580283  0.036764525  0.152717126      0 %
## poverty1     0.006235416 0.135132042 -0.258618545  0.271089377      0 %
## s7enrls      0.066130862 0.057563281 -0.046722941  0.178984664     10 %
## s7flch_i     0.004247477 0.002928228 -0.001491804  0.009986757      2 %
## badschool    0.377847577 0.078689711  0.223618446  0.532076708      1 %
## s7blkpct     0.134802609 0.056312655  0.024393156  0.245212063     11 %
## delin        1.932387111 0.190440736  1.559129884  2.305644338      0 %
exp(.60) #without PPB odds ratio for Black students using imputations
## [1] 1.822119
MIcombine(m2.imp) %>% summary() 
## Multiple imputation results:
##       with(des.imp, svyglm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + 
##     poverty + s7enrls + s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin + 
##     prob, family = "binomial"))
##       MIcombine.default(m2.imp)
##                  results          se       (lower      upper) missInfo
## (Intercept) -8.710949930 0.441663414 -9.576687297 -7.84521256      6 %
## raceb        0.446817851 0.164483128  0.124431362  0.76920434      2 %
## male1        0.833847157 0.101304833  0.635293100  1.03240121      1 %
## p7schgrd     0.329923711 0.051870465  0.228258735  0.43158869      2 %
## iep1        -0.136866185 0.131148311 -0.393912474  0.12018010      1 %
## pared        0.072314659 0.030105365  0.013309192  0.13132013      0 %
## poverty1    -0.061141641 0.133379456 -0.322560682  0.20027740      0 %
## s7enrls      0.074901652 0.058675962 -0.040143117  0.18994642     11 %
## s7flch_i     0.004432674 0.002990521 -0.001428721  0.01029407      2 %
## badschool    0.395802183 0.078450099  0.242042669  0.54956170      1 %
## s7blkpct     0.147003022 0.057451884  0.034362449  0.25964360     10 %
## delin        1.626820731 0.191594811  1.251301061  2.00234040      1 %
## prob         0.248969232 0.028512935  0.193070744  0.30486772      9 %
exp(.45) #with PPB odds ratio for Black students using imputations
## [1] 1.568312
nrow(imp2a[[1]]) #nobs
## [1] 4918
with(des.imp, svymean(~prob)) %>% unlist %>% mean
## [1] 7.284339
with(des.imp, svyvar(~prob)) %>% unlist %>% mean %>% sqrt()
## [1] 1.820266

Bonus analyses!

1a. Running this without the 29 students who had no GPA

extra <- filter(sm3, p7schgrd != 6) #less 29 students who did not have grades
nomiss2 <- na.omit(extra)
# model with no covariates
nocov <- glm(sus ~ race, family = 'binomial', data = extra) 
# model without PPB
orig <- glm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty +
 s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin,
 family = 'binomial', data = extra) #n = 4331
reduced <- glm(sus ~ race + male + p7schgrd + iep + pared + poverty +
  s7enrls +  s7flch_i + badschool + s7blkpct + delin,
  family = 'binomial', data = nomiss2) #n = 2874
# model with PPB
full <- update(reduced, . ~ . + prob)

1b. Trying this as well using the khb approach which accounts for unobserved heterogeneity of the outcome (to make the coefficients comparable):

library(khb) #Karlson, Holm, and Breen procedure for comparing nested models
### NOTE: both models use n = 2,874 only
compareModels(reduced, full, method = 'naive')
##             Reduced Full     perc   
## (Intercept) -8.8253 -10.1780 -15.327
## raceb        0.3360   0.1763  47.520
## male         0.8911   0.7173  19.502
## p7schgrd     0.5417   0.4228  21.951
## iep          0.1117  -0.1199 207.292
## pared        0.1132   0.0896  20.864
## poverty     -0.1056  -0.1823 -72.607
## s7enrls      0.1178   0.1460 -23.932
## s7flch_i     0.0028   0.0025   9.817
## badschool    0.5037   0.5371  -6.637
## s7blkpct     0.2191   0.2349  -7.236
## delin        2.3113   2.0132  12.898
## prob                  0.2549        
## Pseudo R2   0.26826 0.29279         
## Dev.        1728    1684.2          
## Null        2168.6  2168.6          
## Chisq       440.56  484.42          
## Sig         ***     ***             
## Dl          11      12              
## BIC         1815.6  1779.7
compareModels(reduced, full, method = 'khb')
##             Reduced Full     perc    
## (Intercept) -9.1158 -10.1780  -11.652
## raceb        0.3104   0.1763   43.191
## male         0.9030   0.7173   20.563
## p7schgrd     0.5679   0.4228   25.547
## iep          0.1095  -0.1199  209.451
## pared        0.1126   0.0896   20.454
## poverty     -0.0908  -0.1823 -100.674
## s7enrls      0.1313   0.1460  -11.197
## s7flch_i     0.0028   0.0025    8.475
## badschool    0.5330   0.5371   -0.772
## s7blkpct     0.2280   0.2349   -3.054
## delin        2.3518   2.0132   14.397
## Resid(prob)  0.2549                  
## prob                  0.2549         
## Pseudo R2   0.29279 0.29279          
## Dev.        1684.2  1684.2           
## Null        2168.6  2168.6           
## Chisq       484.42  484.42           
## Sig         ***     ***              
## Dl          12      12               
## BIC         1779.7  1779.7
exp(.31) ## equivalent to model 3 - OR = 1.36
## [1] 1.363425
exp(.18) ## equivalent to model 2 - OR = 1.20
## [1] 1.197217
## (Intercept)       raceb 
##   -2.021849    1.310158
exp(1.31) ## base: OR = 3.71
## [1] 3.706174
##  (Intercept)        raceb         male     p7schgrd          iep        pared 
## -7.768306342  0.619767500  0.973924622  0.540096094  0.052807299  0.054806908 
##      poverty      s7enrls     s7flch_i    badschool     s7blkpct        delin 
## -0.003720891  0.069292572  0.007138119  0.431143515  0.162792914  1.960754471
exp(.62) ## for model 1 - OR = 1.86
## [1] 1.858928
k <- khb(reduced, full)
print(k, type = "models") #not cluster robust, just looking at estimates
##             Reduced     Adjusted    Full        
## (Intercept) -8.8253 *** -9.1158 *** -10.1780 ***
##             (0.51012)   (0.52400)   (0.57031)   
## raceb        0.3360 .    0.3104       0.1763    
##             (0.20020)   (0.20308)   (0.20432)   
## male         0.8911 ***  0.9030 ***   0.7173 ***
##             (0.13603)   (0.13761)   (0.13968)   
## p7schgrd     0.5417 ***  0.5679 ***   0.4228 ***
##             (0.07845)   (0.07933)   (0.08077)   
## iep          0.1117      0.1095      -0.1199    
##             (0.18495)   (0.18747)   (0.19096)   
## pared        0.1132 **   0.1126 **    0.0896 *  
##             (0.04067)   (0.04106)   (0.04119)   
## poverty     -0.1056     -0.0908      -0.1823    
##             (0.20197)   (0.20333)   (0.20375)   
## s7enrls      0.1178 .    0.1313 .     0.1460 *  
##             (0.06677)   (0.06785)   (0.06797)   
## s7flch_i     0.0028      0.0028       0.0025    
##             (0.00359)   (0.00364)   (0.00364)   
## badschool    0.5037 ***  0.5330 ***   0.5371 ***
##             (0.10342)   (0.10445)   (0.10450)   
## s7blkpct     0.2191 ***  0.2280 ***   0.2349 ***
##             (0.06066)   (0.06125)   (0.06129)   
## delin        2.3113 ***  2.3518 ***   2.0132 ***
##             (0.26396)   (0.26733)   (0.26915)   
## Resid(prob)              0.2549 ***             
##                         (0.03849)               
## prob                                  0.2549 ***
##                                     (0.03849)   
## Pseudo R2   0.26826     0.29279     0.29279     
## Dev.        1728        1684.2      1684.2      
## Null        2168.6      2168.6      2168.6      
## Chisq       440.56      484.42      484.42      
## Sig         ***         ***         ***         
## Dl          11          12          12          
## BIC         1815.6      1779.7      1779.7
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