Using FIML in R for Multilevel Data

Using FIML in R with Multilevel Data (Part 3)

A recurring question that I get asked is how to use full information maximum likelihood (FIML) when performing a multiple regression analysis BUT this time, accounting for nesting or clustered data structure. For this example, I use the the leadership dataset in the mitml package (Grund et al., 2021). We’ll also use lavaan (Roseel, 2012) to estimate the two-level model. The chapter of Grund et al. (2019) is available here. We’ll replicate the Mplus FIML results in Table 16.3 in the chapter and is shown below:

Read in the data

As lavaan and Mplus need data in a numeric format (not factors), we have to recode a factor into a numeric variable. We inspect the dataset also for missing data:

library(sjmisc) #for frq
library(MLMusingR) #for nmiss
library(dplyr) #for some data management and the pipe

data(leadership) #from the mitml package
Percent missing per variable:
0.0000000 0.0920000 0.0400000 0.1226667 0.1146667 

Percent complete cases: 0.708 
(Minimum) number to impute: 29 
mice::md.pattern(leadership, rotate.names = TRUE)

531     1     1      1     1       1   0
53      1     1      1     1       0   1
53      1     1      1     0       1   1
21      1     1      1     0       0   2
45      1     1      0     1       1   1
9       1     1      0     1       0   2
7       1     1      0     0       1   2
1       1     1      0     0       0   3
13      1     0      1     1       1   1
7       1     0      1     1       0   2
3       1     0      1     0       1   2
5       1     0      0     1       1   2
1       1     0      0     1       0   3
1       1     0      0     0       1   3
        0    30     69    86      92 277

Also, as done in the chapter, we:

  • compute the group mean for NEGLEAD and use it as a predictor (level 2);
  • group mean center NEGLEAD and also use that as a predictor (level 1);
  • convert WLOAD into a binary, numeric predictor (wloadh = 1 and wloadh = 0).
'data.frame':   750 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ GRPID  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ JOBSAT : num  -1.717 0.237 -2.098 2.933 0.145 ...
 $ COHES  : num  1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 ...
 $ NEGLEAD: num  0.3128 -1.9047 -0.1243 -1.2984 0.0646 ...
 $ WLOAD  : Factor w/ 2 levels "low","high": 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# creating group means and group centered variables
leadership$negleadm <- group_mean(leadership$NEGLEAD, leadership$GRPID)
leadership$negleadc <- group_center(leadership$NEGLEAD, leadership$GRPID)

frq(leadership, WLOAD) #this is a factor, convert
WLOAD <categorical> 
# total N=750 valid N=664 mean=1.37 sd=0.48

Value |   N | Raw % | Valid % | Cum. %
low   | 416 | 55.47 |   62.65 |  62.65
high  | 248 | 33.07 |   37.35 | 100.00
<NA>  |  86 | 11.47 |    <NA> |   <NA>
leadership$wloadh <- ifelse(leadership$WLOAD == 'high', 1, 0)
frq(leadership, wloadh)
wloadh <numeric> 
# total N=750 valid N=664 mean=0.37 sd=0.48

Value |   N | Raw % | Valid % | Cum. %
    0 | 416 | 55.47 |   62.65 |  62.65
    1 | 248 | 33.07 |   37.35 | 100.00
 <NA> |  86 | 11.47 |    <NA> |   <NA>

Use lavaan to estimate the model of interest

This first model does not account for missing data (just uses listwise deletion). Note as done in the chapter (read the chapter), we constrain the effect of wload to be the same across levels.

mod <- '
  JOBSAT ~ negleadc + a * wloadh #a is used to constrain to be equal
  JOBSAT ~ negleadm + COHES + a * wloadh

## Estimate models
m0 <- sem(data = leadership, model = mod,
          cluster = 'GRPID')
summary(m0) #ignoring missing
lavaan 0.6-11 ended normally after 33 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         8
  Number of equality constraints                     1
                                                  Used       Total
  Number of observations                           531         750
  Number of clusters [GRPID]                        48            
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                 0.202
  Degrees of freedom                                 1
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.653

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Observed
  Observed information based on                Hessian

Level 1 [within]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  JOBSAT ~                                            
    negleadc         -0.476    0.089   -5.372    0.000
    wloadh     (a)   -0.758    0.193   -3.936    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            4.512    0.290   15.556    0.000

Level 2 [GRPID]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  JOBSAT ~                                            
    negleadm         -1.379    0.312   -4.421    0.000
    COHES             0.236    0.079    2.999    0.003
    wloadh     (a)   -0.758    0.193   -3.936    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT           -0.189    0.129   -1.463    0.144

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            0.095    0.105    0.900    0.368

The output says it uses only 531 out of 750 observations. We can use FIML to account for the missing data:

m1 <- sem(data = leadership, model = mod,
          missing = 'fiml', cluster = 'GRPID',
          fixed.x = FALSE)
Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
Warning in lav_model_hessian(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats, : lavaan WARNING: Hessian is not fully symmetric.
    Max diff = 0.0145968170995658
    (Max diag Hessian = 78.582488291074)

Note when we do it this way, we get a couple of warnings:

  1. Observation 692 will not be used. We can inspect that observation:
    GRPID JOBSAT     COHES NEGLEAD WLOAD   negleadm negleadc wloadh
692    47     NA 0.5692274      NA  <NA> -0.1060355       NA     NA

This observation has missing values on all level-1 predictors as well as the outcome (so in this case, it drops it). Think about it: if all that you had were level-2 predictors and no level-1 predictors (and the outcome as well) for an observation, does it make sense to still include the observation in the model? Mplus does not provide that warning though.

  1. Provides a warning about the Hessian matrix. This appears when we constrain results to be equal across levels (does not happen if the constraint is not there).
lavaan 0.6-11 ended normally after 85 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        21
  Number of equality constraints                     1
                                                  Used       Total
  Number of observations                           749         750
  Number of clusters [GRPID]                        50            
  Number of missing patterns -- level 1              7            
  Number of missing patterns -- level 2              2            
Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                 0.523
  Degrees of freedom                                 1
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.470

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Observed
  Observed information based on                Hessian

Level 1 [within]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  JOBSAT ~                                            
    negleadc         -0.526    0.091   -5.784    0.000
    wloadh     (a)   -0.863    0.197   -4.381    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  negleadc ~~                                         
    wloadh            0.047    0.020    2.330    0.020

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            0.000                           
    negleadc         -0.026    0.040   -0.648    0.517
    wloadh            0.000                           

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            4.940    0.283   17.481    0.000
    negleadc          1.057    0.059   18.070    0.000
    wloadh            0.230    0.013   17.517    0.000

Level 2 [GRPID]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  JOBSAT ~                                            
    negleadm         -1.491    0.319   -4.675    0.000
    COHES             0.237    0.088    2.686    0.007
    wloadh     (a)   -0.863    0.197   -4.381    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  negleadm ~~                                         
    COHES            -0.005    0.073   -0.068    0.946
    wloadh            0.006    0.008    0.742    0.458
  COHES ~~                                            
    wloadh           -0.043    0.028   -1.525    0.127

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            0.291    0.136    2.142    0.032
    negleadm          0.028    0.051    0.549    0.583
    COHES             0.156    0.185    0.844    0.399
    wloadh            0.363    0.021   17.278    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .JOBSAT            0.268    0.128    2.086    0.037
    negleadm          0.131    0.026    5.000    0.000
    COHES             1.629    0.332    4.905    0.000
    wloadh            0.005    0.004    1.037    0.300
parameterestimates(m1) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(lhs == 'JOBSAT')
     lhs op      rhs block level label    est    se      z pvalue ci.lower
1 JOBSAT  ~ negleadc     1     1       -0.526 0.091 -5.784  0.000   -0.704
2 JOBSAT  ~   wloadh     1     1     a -0.863 0.197 -4.381  0.000   -1.249
3 JOBSAT ~~   JOBSAT     1     1        4.940 0.283 17.481  0.000    4.386
4 JOBSAT ~1              1     1        0.000 0.000     NA     NA    0.000
5 JOBSAT  ~ negleadm     2     2       -1.491 0.319 -4.675  0.000   -2.116
6 JOBSAT  ~    COHES     2     2        0.237 0.088  2.686  0.007    0.064
7 JOBSAT  ~   wloadh     2     2     a -0.863 0.197 -4.381  0.000   -1.249
8 JOBSAT ~~   JOBSAT     2     2        0.268 0.128  2.086  0.037    0.016
9 JOBSAT ~1              2     2        0.291 0.136  2.142  0.032    0.025
1   -0.348
2   -0.477
3    5.494
4    0.000
5   -0.866
6    0.409
7   -0.477
8    0.519
9    0.557

You can compare the results with those estimated using Mplus. The syntax is from the Grund et al. (2019) chapter. Results are comparable:


                Estimate       S.E.  Est./S.E.    P-Value

Within Level

NEGLEADC          -0.526      0.091     -5.785      0.000
WLOADH            -0.863      0.197     -4.382      0.000

WLOADH             0.047      0.020      2.330      0.020

NEGLEADC          -0.026      0.040     -0.648      0.517

NEGLEADC           1.057      0.059     18.070      0.000
WLOADH             0.230      0.013     17.516      0.000

Residual Variances
JOBSAT             4.940      0.283     17.481      0.000

Between Level

NEGLEADM          -1.491      0.319     -4.675      0.000
COHES              0.237      0.088      2.686      0.007
WLOADH            -0.863      0.197     -4.382      0.000

COHES             -0.005      0.073     -0.068      0.945
WLOADH             0.006      0.008      0.742      0.458

WLOADH            -0.043      0.028     -1.524      0.127

COHES              0.156      0.185      0.844      0.399
NEGLEADM           0.028      0.051      0.549      0.583
WLOADH             0.363      0.021     17.278      0.000

JOBSAT             0.291      0.136      2.141      0.032

COHES              1.629      0.332      4.905      0.000
NEGLEADM           0.131      0.026      5.000      0.000
WLOADH             0.005      0.004      1.037      0.300

Residual Variances
JOBSAT             0.268      0.128      2.086      0.037

Table 16.3 is shown again (so you don’t have to scroll all the way up):

Note though that Grund et al. prefer to use multiple imputation. In their Organizational Research Methods article (2018), they warn against using FIML with multilevel data in some cases (see p. 127).


Grund, S., Ludtke, O., & Robitzsch, A. (2019). Missing data in multilevel research. In: Humphrey, S. E. & LeBreton, J. M. (Eds.), Handbook for multilevel theory, measurement, and analysis. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association doi: 10.1037/0000115-017


