Simulating a multilevel model

Researchers may want to simulate a two-level model (i.e., a hierarchical linear model, a random effects model, etc.). The following code illustrates how to generate the data and compares analytic techniques using MLM and OLS.

1. Simulate the data

set.seed(1234) #for reproducability
nG <- 20 #number of groups
nJ <- 30 #cluster size
W1 <- 2 #level 2 coeff
X1 <- 3 #level 1 coeff

tmp2 <- rnorm(nG) #generate 20 random numbers, m = 0, sd = 1
l2 <- rep(tmp2, each = nJ) #all units in l2 have the same value
group <- gl(nG, k = nJ) #creating cluster variable
tmp2 <- rnorm(nG) #error term for level 2
err2 <- rep(tmp2, each = nJ) #all units in l2 have the same value

l1 <- rnorm(nG * nJ) #total sample size is nG * nJ
err1 <- rnorm(nG * nJ) #level 1 

#putting it all together
y <- W1 * l2 + X1 * l1 + err2 + err1
dat <- data.frame(y, group, l2, err2,l1, err1)

To vary the intraclass correlation (ICC or \(\rho\)), users must specify what the variance of the error terms should be (while taking into account the variance of the variables). There is a difference between the unconditional vs conditional ICC (often, in education, we want to know the unconditional first). Use covariance algebra to figure this out.

For example, for two variables (X and Y):

\(Var(X + Y) = Var(X) + Var(Y) + 2cov(X, Y)\)

In our case, the variables are not related with each other so the last part is 0.

  • The level 2 variance (due to l2) should be 4 (in our case, it is 3.912).

  • The level 1 variance (due to l1) should be 9 (in our case, it is 9.285).

The errors both have 1 as the variance. So, in our models, the overall variance of y should be: (4 + 1) + (9 + 1) = 15. For the one simulated run above, the variance of y is 14.341. This is close. The theoretical unconditional ICC should be: 5/15 or .33. In our example, the standard errors turned out to be larger.

2. Analyze the data

library(lme4) #to run multilevel models
library(jtools) #to get nicer output
mlm0 <- lmer(y ~ (1|group), data = dat) #unconditional
summ(mlm0) #shows the ICC, close
## Observations: 600
## Dependent Variable: y
## Type: Mixed effects linear regression 
## AIC = 3166.12, BIC = 3179.31
## Pseudo-R² (fixed effects) = 0.00
## Pseudo-R² (total) = 0.28 
##              Est. S.E. t val.    p  
## (Intercept) -1.08 0.47  -2.28 0.03 *
## p values calculated using Kenward-Roger d.f. = 19 
##     Group   Parameter Std. Dev.
##     group (Intercept)      2.02
##  Residual                  3.23
## Grouping variables:
##  Group # groups  ICC
##  group       20 0.28
mlm1 <- lmer(y ~ l2 + l1  + (1|group), data = dat)
ols1 <- lm(y ~ l2 + l1, data = dat)

#export_summs(mlm1, ols1, model.names = c('MLM', 'OLS'))

stargazer::stargazer(mlm1, ols1, type = 'text', = T, star.cutoffs = c(.05,.01,.001))
## ============================================================
##                               Dependent variable:           
##                     ----------------------------------------
##                                        y                    
##                        linear                OLS            
##                     mixed-effects                           
##                          (1)                 (2)            
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## l2                    1.778***             1.777***         
##                        (0.173)             (0.049)          
## l1                    3.024***             3.047***         
##                        (0.039)             (0.048)          
## Constant              -0.663***           -0.663***         
##                        (0.176)             (0.050)          
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## Observations             600                 600            
## R2                                          0.901           
## Adjusted R2                                 0.900           
## Log Likelihood        -861.194                              
## Akaike Inf. Crit.     1,732.389                             
## Bayesian Inf. Crit.   1,754.373                             
## Residual Std. Error                    1.195 (df = 597)     
## F Statistic                       2,708.287*** (df = 2; 597)
## ============================================================
## Note:                          *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001

We can compare the results using MLM vs. OLS. The standard error for the level 2 variable is much smaller using the OLS model. Here we see why we can get Type I errors so easily (in this case, both are statistically significant though). The coefficients are similar to each other because the variables were generated to both be uncorrelated with each other.

3. Other items of interest

To see how these results may differ, readers can check out:

Huang, F. (2018). Multilevel modeling and ordinary least squares: How comparable are they? Journal of Experimental Education, 86, 265-281.

For more info comparing the two approaches:

NOTE: a simpler way to get corrected level 2 standard errors is to use cluster robust standard errors. However, take note, that adjusted standard errors may often still be underestimated when the number of clusters is low (e.g., < 50).

The jtools::summ function makes getting cluster robust standard errors easier! Without having to run other functions before hand.

summ(ols1, cluster = 'group', robust = T)
## Observations: 600
## Dependent Variable: y
## Type: OLS linear regression 
## F(2,597) = 2708.29, p = 0.00
## R² = 0.90
## Adj. R² = 0.90 
## Standard errors: Cluster-robust, type = HC3
##              Est. S.E. t val.    p    
## (Intercept) -0.66 0.20  -3.25 0.00  **
## l2           1.78 0.25   7.23 0.00 ***
## l1           3.05 0.05  65.98 0.00 ***


Huang, F. (2016). Alternatives to multilevel modeling for the analysis of clustered data. Journal of Experimental Education, 84, 175-196. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2014.952397


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